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Amateur Radio Beacons
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Coverage Qty
10m (28MHz) by Freq by Call KMLWorld-Wide 503
6m (50MHz) by Freq by Call KMLWorld-Wide 444
4m (70MHz) by Freq by Call KMLWorld-Wide 84
2m (144MHz) by Freq by Call KMLIARU R1 182
70cm (432MHz) by Freq by Call KMLIARU R1 125
23cm (1296MHz) by Freq by Call KMLEU 177
13cm (2.3GHz) by Freq by Call KMLEU 98
9cm (3.4GHz) by Freq by Call KMLEU 38
6cm (5.7GHz) by Freq by Call KMLEU 77
3cm (10GHz) by Freq by Call KMLEU 248
12mm (24GHz) by Freq by Call KMLEU 93
6mm (47GHz) by Freq by Call KMLEU 19
4mm (76GHz) by Freq by Call KMLEU 8
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To make use of the above KML files Google Earth MUST be allowed Internet access so it can dynamically download changes and updates to the beacon information hosted on this web-site.
If you are the Keeper of a Beacon or can provide additional information, corrections, updates etc please see here or locate the beacon in the tables and use the use the link provided.
If you want to find a beacon using a partial callsign, locator or frequency try the Beacon Search page.
73 Stewart Wilkinson
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