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print EU 2.3GHz Beacons (by Beacon Callsign)  
Page 1 of 5 (beacons 1 to 20)
 Power  Pol  Antenna  Heading  Above Sea Level  Mode  Digi Mode  Keeper  
asc Freq
asc Call
asc Location
asc Locator
Pol Antenna Heading Above Sea Level
Mode Digi Mode Status Keeper Last
2,320,820.0 9A2EY Zagreb JN75XV 0.0 - None - - - - QRV - edit  03/23
2,320,890.0 CT1BYM - IM68BN 0.0 - - - - A1 - QRV - edit  10/19
2,320,960.0 DB0AJA Wurzburg JN59AS 5 - - NW 365 A1 - QRV DF6NA edit  04/16
2,320,852.0 DB0APD Apolda JO51SA 0.0 H Slotted Waveguide Omni 210 - - QRV - edit  02/21
2,320,833.0 DB0FGB Schneeberg JO50WB - H Slotted Waveguide Omni - A1 - QRV DB8UY edit  04/16
2,320,821.0 DB0FKS Frankenstein JN49IT 0.8 - - Omni - A1 - QRV DL2OCB edit  04/16
2,320,850.0 DB0GW Duisburg JO31JK - - Double Helix Omni - A1 - QRV DL4JK edit  04/16
2,320,940.0 DB0MFI Hainsfarth JN58HW 8.0 H Big Wheel Omni 461 A1 - QRV - edit  06/18
2,320,900.0 DB0MJ Bergneustadt JO31UB - - - - - A1 - QRV DH1MJ edit  04/16
2,320,880.0 DB0MOT Kleiner JO40FF 1.5 H Halo Omni 840 A1 - Test - edit  10/16
2,320,810.0 DB0NCO Gunzenhausen JN59JD - - - - - A1 - QRV JN59JD edit  04/16
2,320,858.0 DB0SHF - JN48WW - - - - - A1 - QRV - edit  04/16
2,320,887.0 DB0TUD Dresden JO61WB - - - - - A1 - QRV - edit  04/16
2,320,920.0 DB0VC Bungsberg JO54IF - H Big Wheel Omni 300 A1 - QRV DL8LAO edit  04/16
2,320,910.0 DB0WML - JO31MU 0.5 H Slotted Waveguide Omni 140 A1 - QRV DK8QU edit  04/18
2,320,910.0 DB0XY Bocksberg Harz JO51EU 9 H Double Quad Omni 730 A1 - QRV DL4EAU edit  10/16
2,320,880.0 DB0YI Near Hildesheim JO42XC 3 H Big Wheel Omni - A1 - QRV DL4AS edit  04/16
2,320,850.0 DM0UB NW of Potsdam JO62KK - - - - - A1 - QRV - edit  04/16
2,320,875.0 EA2TZ SW Irun IN93BF 5 - - Omni 650 A1 - Planned EA2TZ edit  04/16
2,320,810.0 EA3FLX - JN11BP - - - - - A1 - QRV - edit  04/16
20 (of 98) Beacons shown

Google Earth - Beacon map

google_earth This beacon list is also available as a map to display in Google Earth.
Note: The location of beacons on the map will only be approximate (as the center of the known grid locator is used)
A personalised version of the map is also available (showing distance and bearing from your location to each beacon), just enter the details below, if you do not know your IARU locator you may use K7FRY's site to determine the correct value (use your mouse to move around the map and then click on the area of the map) :
Your Name (or Callsign): {required}
Locator: {required} (i.e. IO91BA)
Note: Only beacons with a valid IARU Locator are included on the map.

All beacon information on this site has been obtained from various published sources, including: or has been provided by other Amateur Radio operators in good faith
73 Stewart Wilkinson
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