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print EU 47GHz Beacons (by Beacon Callsign)  
Page 1 of 1 (beacons 1 to 19)
 Power  Pol  Antenna  Heading  Above Sea Level  Mode  Digi Mode  Keeper  
asc Freq
asc Call
asc Location
asc Locator
Pol Antenna Heading Above Sea Level
Mode Digi Mode Status Keeper Last
47,088,065.0 DB0AJA Wurzburg JN59AS 0.025 - Dish 175 364 A1 - QRV DF6NA edit  04/16
47,088,800.0 DB0FGB Schneeberg JO50WB 4 H Sectoral Horn N 1104 A1 - QRV DB8UY edit  03/16
47,088,850.0 DB0KK Berlin JO62RM 0.5 H Slotted Waveguide - - A1 - QRV DC7YS edit  11/17
47,088,850.0 DB0MOT Kleiner JO44FF 0.08 H Slotted Waveguide Omni 838 A1 - Unk - edit  10/16
47,088,920.0 DB0VC Bungsberg JO54IF 0.0 - - - 320 A1 - QRV DC6UW edit  10/18
47,088,910.0 DB0WML - JO31MU 0.1 H Slotted Waveguide Omni 140 A1 - QRV DK8QU edit  04/18
47,088,252.0 DF0CR - JN49XF 0.025 H Dish 125 450 A1 - QRV DL7QY edit  10/16
47,088,166.0 DK3UC Hanover JO42WG - - - - - A1 - QRV - edit  03/16
47,088,854.0 DL0WY SE of Munich JN67AQ - - - - - A1 - QRV - edit  03/16
47,088,885.0 DM0TUD Dresden JO61UC - - - - - A1 - QRV - edit  03/16
47,088,200.0 F5ZEF Pessac IN94QT 0.03 H Dish 050 83 A1 - QRV F6CBC edit  03/16
47,088,905.0 GB3SCQ Bell Hill IO80UU 0.0 H Horn 080 - A1 - QRV G8BKE edit  11/18
47,088,006.0 HG8BEA Szentes KN06DP 0.0 H Slotted Waveguide Omni 85 A1 - QRV - edit  06/18
47,088,007.0 HG8BEB Kiskunfelegyhaza JN96VQ 0.0 H Slotted Waveguide Omni 100 A1 - QRV - edit  09/19
47,088,875.0 OE5XBM Breitenstein JN78DJ 0.03 H Horn Other 977 A1 - QRV OE5VRL edit  03/16
47,088,336.0 OK0EA Trutnov JO70UP 0.05 H Horn W 1355 A1 - NonOp OK1AIY edit  03/16
47,088,210.0 OK0ER Kubankov JN99DP 0.0 H Slotted Waveguide Omni 690 A1 - QRV - edit  05/20
47,088,925.0 PI7ALK Alkmaar JO22IP 0.0 H Sectoral Horn Omni 35 F1A - QRV PE1BTV
edit  04/22
47,088,102.0 SR6GHC SE of Klodzko JO80JG 0.5 H - Omni - A1 - QRV - edit  03/16
19 (of 19) Beacons shown

Google Earth - Beacon map

google_earth This beacon list is also available as a map to display in Google Earth.
Note: The location of beacons on the map will only be approximate (as the center of the known grid locator is used)
A personalised version of the map is also available (showing distance and bearing from your location to each beacon), just enter the details below, if you do not know your IARU locator you may use K7FRY's site to determine the correct value (use your mouse to move around the map and then click on the area of the map) :
Your Name (or Callsign): {required}
Locator: {required} (i.e. IO91BA)
Note: Only beacons with a valid IARU Locator are included on the map.

All beacon information on this site has been obtained from various published sources, including: or has been provided by other Amateur Radio operators in good faith
73 Stewart Wilkinson
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