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XFBB INF Tool V0.15 - Information

INF-TOOL performs various checks on the FBB User information database, and will remove invalid & corrupted entries (when used with appropriate command line arguments/options).

It will optionally remove all entries older that a specified number of days (ie: entries for users that have not logged in during that number of days). It will however NOT remove old entries that are marked as EXCLUDED, unless they are also corrupted and the '--remove-excluded' command line option is specified (even then it will generate a warning message for each excluded callsign removed).

This program has some similarities to the original FBB MAINTINF program, but does much more checking of the various information fields.

Note: All my XFBB programs are provided as-is, I have not used them for over 10 years and have no way to test them, I am able to provide very limited support in trying to use them.

Download XFBB INF Tool
73 Stewart Wilkinson
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